How Holy is the Wine from the Holy Land?

In fact, the answer to this question relies on what you can get your hands on, especially, that Palestinian winemakers struggle to make wine, let alone ship their products abroad!

But, I, personally, was able to get my hands on two great brands; Nadim (Taybeh) and Cremisan.

Thanks to my cousin, Justin Eadeh, who got them for me!

Both, in my opinion, are great. However, I have a preference for Nadim. It kind of hits harder with a bit of stronger, more eliquent taste. (Taking into fact that Nadim is "less holy" than Cremisan, since Cremisan Winery was founded by the Salesian Monks. But if you are Rum Orthodox you wouldn't make that judgement.)

On the other hand, I haven't found a better tasting sweet wine than the Messa wine produced by Cremisan. This one is phenomaonal! It really has the right mix of sweetness.

2019 Easter

I have been struggling to procure and try other wine brands made by Palestinians in the Holy Land, esepcially; Philokalia (which is a Greek Orthodox word, φιλοκαλία meaning "love of the beautiful, the good", very theological, right? I wonder whats's the reason and background of the people behind it), Jascala, and Ashkar, which is made by survivors of the Iqrit massacre, the Christian village which was bombed on Christmas Eve, 1951, by Zionist Forces, where everything was destroyed except for the Church and the Cemetry.

Edmond Shami on Twitter: "On Christmas Eve, 1951, Zionist forces ...
Iqrit has a special place in my heart, so I made an Iqrit Hoodie

If you can help me in getting my hands on any of the above mentioned brands, I would be really grateful, especially the ones made in Northern Palestine, which I consider more holy (yes, I'm being biased here becasue my family comes from Haifa).

On a side note, I'm happy to have found out that Cremisan sells in Jordan through the Zumot Winery, but I wish more Palestinian Wine can be exported to Jordan and other Levantine countries.

This blogpost can declare the holiest Red wine to be Nadim and the holiest Sweet wine to be Cremisan Messa, until proven otherwise by the Wine of the North.



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